Creating and activating partner account
By Admin
In this guide we will teach you how to create a partner account through our mobile application.
1. Open the app and press the create account button. This action will bring you to the account creation page.
2. In the user type select the partner option.
3. Fill all the rest of the form with your information and press the sign up button.
4. Upon sign up you will be brought to partner verification page where you need to complete your verification by taking photo of your national issued identification card or passport.
5. Begin by completing the front IC section by pressing the IC front button.
6. Press the placeholder image to replace the placeholder image.
7. You can change the place holder image by taking photo or by using your exisitng image from gallery.
8. Crop the image and then press the upload button.
9. Repeat the same process for IC Back, & Selfie IC.
10. Fill the skill form and press the submit button.
11. Wait for your account to be verified.
12. Incase our admin require to train you, we will pre approve your account and have you attend our training may it be online or go to our training center.